Primary Care Networks (PCNs) bring family doctors and other health care professionals such as nurses, mental health therapists, dietitians, and more together to provide health care to you and your family.
Mosaic PCN serves a large part of North East Calgary, as well as some clinics in the North West and the South East. With over 400 family doctors in 100+ clinics that serve patients in our community, see if your doctor is part of our medical home.
News and Stories
Community Partner Spotlight: Centre for Newcomers
Community Partner Spotlight: Silvera
Mosaic's Refugee Health Clinic in Marlborough Mall
The Refugee Health Clinic focuses on supporting refugees and their families transitioning into their new lives in Canada. We provide a wide range of services that focus on the physical and mental health of refugees, as well as help them transition into their new medical community.
Mosaic PCN by the Numbers
Family physicians and nurse practitioners practicing within northeast and southeast Calgary are invited to explore the benefits of joining our Primary Care Network alongside over 400 of their peers operating in over 100 clinics.
There’s something special about knowing your hard work and talents are helping our community become healthier and happier. We are always looking for talented people to join our organization.