Find out what Prescription to Get Active can do for you!

Kickstart your activity! Just 30 minutes of physical activity per day for adults, and 60 minutes of physical activity per day for children can reduce health risks and provide many health benefits.
In this program, our family doctors and their health care team prescribe increased physical activity to patients who will benefit from it. This program is meant for individuals who can exercise without supervision or medical restrictions.
All City of Calgary recreational facilities are partners in this program. You can find a complete list of participating locations, along with their special Prescription to Get Active pass details on the Prescription to Get Active website.
How do I get a Prescription to Get Active?
Ask your family doctor for a Prescription to Get Active.
Need to find a family doctor?
Go to our directory to see clinics accepting new patients.
Where can I redeem my Prescription to Get Active?
Your Prescription to Get Active can be redeemed at one of our partner recreation facilities for a free pass.
How many visits do I get with my Prescription to Get Active?
This may vary depending on where you choose to redeem your prescription. Visit the website for what each facility offers.
What happens after I use my pass?
Once you’ve used your pass at the facility of your choice, some of our partners may offer a discount on a membership. Please talk to a facility representative for more information.
Does my Prescription to Get Active expire?
It does not expire but you can only use your prescription once.
Can I get more than one Prescription to Get Active?
There is a limit to one prescription per person. Our partners have been very generous in proving free access to their facilities as a trial for those interested who want to sign up for a membership afterwards.